Ich bin I just kicked your ass!



Hello you dirt-licking maggots! I am the Soldier! My first favourite thing is America and the second is sending my enemies to the American moon landing site, WITH MY ROCKETS!

My significant other is none of your business- now drop and give me 20 of your damned pronouns!

Name(s): Jane Doe

Nickname(s): Soldier, Solly, Sol

Pronouns: He/him

Gender: Transmasc

Age/B-day: 41 (??/??/19??)

Race/ethnicity: American-Asian

Origin: Pure American soil

This guy has never heard of top surgery and I don't think he cares. Our favourite American of course, loves his American food, weaponry, scenery. Anything America. He knows how to drive a tank but never had a license in his entire life, same goes for gun handling. Basically, all military proficiency he had is self-taught. That's why it doesn't work sometimes. He's like a puppy that will bite anybody that he doesn't like but let you give him awesome tummy rubbies :3