In the meantime.. This is where I get off.


Ah.. You are not who I had in.. mind, to meet..

I was.. expecting, Dr Freeman. I should.. know better, if I should be honest. However.. It is not.. within the interest of, my, employers to.. hire you

However, a quick chat would not.. interrupt, their, or my, plans.

Name(s): The G-Man

Nickname(s): G-Man, G-Ma'am, G

Pronouns: All and any

Gender: ??? / Genderfluid

Age/B-day: ???

Race/ethnicity: ??? / Human form is slightly Chinese based

Origin: ???

Look! It's the guy who smells like eldritch moth balls! Man, did my broken-Chinese speaking half-Chinese ass get excited when I found out there are Chinese dubs for Half-Life lol. I'd like to think he's a little Chinese, or bases his form off of Mandarin people.

The man is a government man who works for his employers- he doesn't have time for xenogenders. Just know that he's not human- Identity anarchy, baby! But, I like my xenogenders. So he'll have some.

HLVRAI G-Man is still Chinese- and probably adapted his form to fit Tommy- who I HC to be partly Chinese too. The other half? I don't know. That's up to you to think about.